Earlier this month, singer Halsey announced that their makeup brand About-Face would be available at Ulta. Today, the star shared that About-Face is getting an extension with a sub brand, af94, launching at Walmart later this month for a younger audience and at a lower price point.
“After listening to feedback received from fans and friends, I wanted to create another self-expressive line that was lower-priced with a wide reach,” said Halsey, “which is why we are so excited to be launching this new collection with Walmart. I hope wearing this makeup, however that looks for you, inspires you to break beauty rules and color outside of the lines.”
The line gets its name from Halsey’s initials, af for Ashley Frangipane and her birth year of 1994. The artist shared that the goal was to create versatile makeup that was accessible to everyone. Citing color and efficacy as nonnegotiables, Halsey shares they developed the line for Gen Z consumers and beauty novices alike.
“I’ll always remember being 15 years old and saving up to buy my first eyeliner. It was electric blue and a big purchase for me at the time, but the thrill of wearing such a bold color was worth every penny,” said Halsey. “I created af94 so that anyone and everyone can chase that rush of standing out with bold makeup, but at an affordable price.”
What can you expect for under $10? Eyeshadow crayons, matte lipsticks, multi-use cheek + lip tints, biodegradable makeup remover wipes and playful face and body stickers. If af94 is anything like About-Face, we know the color payoff is going to be out of this world. The line launches on July 25th online and at Walmart stores.
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