Write for Us

Are you passionate about fashion and love to write? Do you want to share your fashion knowledge with the world and showcase your writing skills? If yes, then we have the perfect opportunity for you!

Fashionnewzroom.com is looking for talented writers who are enthusiastic about men’s fashion and want to contribute to our website. We are a leading fashion blog that focuses on providing the latest trends, style tips, and fashion news for men. As a contributor to our website, you will have the chance to showcase your writing skills and reach a large audience of fashion enthusiasts.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about writing for us. From the type of content we are looking for to the submission guidelines, we have got you covered.

What kind of content are we looking for?

At Fashionnewzroom.com, we are looking for unique, high-quality, and informative content related to men’s fashion. We want our readers to learn something new every time they visit our website. Therefore, we are looking for articles that provide value to our readers.

Here are some of the topics we are interested in:

  • Latest fashion trends for men
  • How-to guides for fashion and grooming
  • Style tips for men
  • Fashion news and events
  • Product reviews and recommendations
  • Personal fashion stories and experiences

While we are open to other topics related to men’s fashion, we prioritize quality and originality over quantity. So, make sure to write content that is engaging, informative, and provides value to our readers.

Submission Guidelines

Now that you know what kind of content we are looking for let’s talk about our submission guidelines. Before submitting your article, make sure to follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth submission process:

  1. Length of the article: The minimum word count for your article should be 1000 words. However, we encourage writers to write longer articles (1500+ words) as it allows for more in-depth coverage of the topic.
  2. Unique content: We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, and we will reject any article that is not 100% original.
  3. Structure of the article: Make sure to structure your article into clear sections with subheadings. This makes it easier for our readers to navigate through the content and find the information they are looking for.
  4. Use of images: We encourage the use of images to support your article. However, make sure to use copyright-free images or provide proper attribution for any images used in your article.
  5. Use of keywords: While we do not require specific keywords to be used in your article, we encourage writers to include relevant keywords related to men’s fashion.
  6. Bio and author image: At the end of your article, include a short bio (maximum 100 words) about yourself and a high-quality author image.
  7. Editorial process: Once you submit your article, our editorial team will review it and provide feedback within 7-10 business days. If your article is accepted, we will notify you of the publishing date.

Why Write for Us?

Now that you know what kind of content we are looking for and our submission guidelines, you might be wondering why you should write for us. Here are some of the reasons why you should consider contributing to Fashionnewzroom.com:

  1. Reach a large audience: Our website has a large audience of fashion enthusiasts who are interested in men’s fashion. By contributing to our website, you will have the chance to reach a larger audience and showcase your writing skills.
  2. Build your portfolio: Writing for us is a great way to build your writing portfolio and showcase your work to potential clients or employers.

How to Apply:

Simply mail us the [email protected].

We are so looking forward to hearing from you!

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